The obstacles for young voters are many in America
Module 12 Journal_American Culture and Society
Q What do you think about “hashtag activism”? Has social media helped social justice activism efforts or only created "armchair activists"? Give examples from your own experience if relevant.
#activism is a modern-day term which is coined by social media users specifically when it comes to using Twitter hashtags for the purpose of activism on the internet. We need to acknowledge the fact that social media is the modern stage of actions, reactions and exchange of information. I think “hashtag activism”, has been effective as it garners support for a cause from all around the world in a very short amount of time. Some famous hashtags movements are - #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, #PrayforParis etc. I do think that social media has helped social justice activism effort in a way that it has alerted masses and brought about popular support.